Posts Tagged ‘St. Louis Rams’

Michael Sam and the NFL

Friday, May 16th, 2014

Our friend Chuck wrote to ask that we say something about the momentous notion that an openly gay man, Michael Sam, has been chosen in the NFL draft. In this case, by the St. Louis Rams.

Michael Sam

He kissed his (white) boyfriend in celebration. On ESPN.

And that seems to be what’s eating away at Middle America. A Dallas morning talk show had one of the four Texas gals storming out during the discussion. Here’s Tuesday’s clip from KTXD-TV’s “The Broadcast” courtesy of LGBTQ Nation.

Chuck wrote, “I would rather have a Michael Sam as a teammate any day over some of these players who are bullies. I was bullied. Being a former football player, I never thought the day that we would see people such as Sam live his truth.”

Thank you, Chuck, for drawing our attention to the many, many hidden, secret churnings underneath the surface fact of Michael Sam’s coming out and being selected for the NFL draft.

And kissing his boyfriend. The nerve.

Michael Sam Kissing His Boyfriend ESPN

Kissing his boyfriend. Sweet.

Follow Fatale on Facebook as we watch the unfolding drama.