Archive for 2008

Sex Tips: Learning to Enjoy the Bum

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

No, we’re not talking about your lover! But your butt, your behind, your bum, your rear, your tush.

Enjoying anal penetration comes naturally to some people. They “get it.” They just naturally relax and enjoy without a care in the world.

But anal sex doesn’t come easy for everybody. There is the taboo of touching, let alone probing, the anus. It’s a private place, to be sure, which makes it hard for some men and women to allow entry.

When Fatale released Bend Over Boyfriend ten years ago – yes, it’s the 10th anniversary of Bend Over Boyfriend, a cause for celebration – Carol Queen and her lover Robert Morgan showed how role reversal can spice up your sex life.

Women, too, can be skittish when it comes to their boyfriends touching or penetrating their rear ends.

When you’re ready to open up and enjoy this delicious sex act, there are some steps you can take to make anal sex a real pleasure:

  • Wash up before you begin any lovemaking. Make sure nothing hurts or is sore down there. If you ever see blood in your stool or coming from your anus, tell your doctor right away.
  • –Find pleasure in the familiar. Make love the way you always do. Treat your sweetie with kisses and caresses and find your comfort zone. Have as many orgasms as you like.
  • –Touch yourself first. Do you feel happy? Talk to your lover. Do you want to feel your partner’s gentle touch? Tell him or her exactly what the touch feels like.
  • –Remind yourself: Nobody’s going to hurt you. This is not about pain. This is about pleasure and exploring new sexual territory.
  • –Stop there. Wait for next time to go any further.
  • –Next time, repeat the process all over again. Only this time, using some water-based lubricant, allow your lover’s finger to come inside just a little bit.
  • –Stop there. Wait until next time to go any further. You can even take a break and wait a couple more times before you try a small dildo, with a condom and lots of lube, of course.

And if your partner is the one who is struggling with anal sex, go slow, be gentle, restrain yourself until your partner feels confident to take it to the next level. 

Ultimately, learning to enjoy anal penetration is about trust. You must trust each other for there to be true pleasure associated with anal sex. Or, we would argue, any other kind of sex. 

Bend Over BoyfriendCheck out Bend Over Boyfriend for more tips on how to enjoy anal sex.

The Crash Pad Gift Set – New!

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

You asked for it, and we agreed. Now you can save 10% and get free shipping when you order “The Crash Pad Gift Set.”

If you’ve been curious about The Crash Pad, try all three of these sexy lesbian DVDs! Your satisfaction guaranteed.

Dallas and Vai in The Crash Pad Series Volume 2If you already know about the “secret rendezvous,” check out The Crash Pad Series Volume 2. New and completely gratifying!

You can check out all Fatale’s DVDs here.

Until next time, we wish you dazzling hot sex.

Nan and Christi

Celebrate Coming Out

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

Clay Aiken and Lindsay Lohan have finally come out publicly. And, it appears, on their own terms.

Even the New York Times’ Style section got in on the act on Sunday with “Out in Hollywood.” Nice pic, Ellen!

As one commenter noted in response to The Advocate’s article “Clay and Lindsay are Gay — Shock!”: “[O]ne should be allowed to self-identify. No one has the right to make that announcement for anyone else.”

We couldn’t agree more. All those queers still in the closet have a right to be there, just as each of us has a right to come out if and when we want to. We do understand that coming out is a luxury for those not living in tolerant circumstances. Hollywood is tolerant place.

Clay Aiken on the People Magazine cover“Clay felt that it was right to come out to get it off of his back. He felt the need to no longer live a lie. This goes for gay or straight. It does not have to be about being a homosexual,” says our friend Chuck in Louisiana.

“There are many who are not marriage material and are doing things to impress others,” he continued. “There are those who try to impress family members and friends.”

October 11, 2008, is National Coming Out Day here in the U.S.

Our friend Chris told Nan he wanted to wear her Take Her Down production T-shirt on that day! We’ll see if we can dig a clean one up for him.

However you celebrate National Coming Out Day, it’s worth remembering that those who don’t come out, who you just know are gay, probably have a reason for staying the closet.

We salute Hollywood stars and ordinary people alike for their courage in coming out.

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

P.S. You can pay securely at Fatale by credit card or with PayPal. And remember, you get free shipping when you order 3 or more DVDs. See all Fatale’s DVDs.

P.P.S. Highly recommended and Fatale’s top-seller for September, The Crash Pad Series Volume 2.

Ask Fanny – Fake Squirting in Videos?

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

This comment was originally posted last month in the “What is Squirting?” Ask Fanny Q&A. With Mariste’s permission, we posed the question to the FE Queen herself. 

Dear Fanny,

I have seen videos of this so called “squirting.” It all seems enormously fake. A woman rubs her pussy for less than 30 seconds and then liquid squirts out of her as if from a water cannon. How in the world does this happen? Do they rig her up somehow? Do they make her have a pussy enema and then she holds it in until it’s time to squirt on camera? I really want to know.


Dear Mariste,

Much is exaggerated in porn, because porn is a fantasy for the most part. However, it is true that many women “arc” when they ejaculate, and it is also true that the amount they ejaculate can be half a liter.

Although that is the extreme expression of female ejaculation, it is by no means rare or dramatized. Real women can gush that much fluid, and if they are on their back with no penis inside them, many women’s vaginal (pc) muscles are so strong, they can easily push the ejaculate across the room.

Whew! It is exhilarating to watch, and that is why you see so much showbiz fire hydrant female ejaculation in porn. Porn is a show, after all.

I can’t critique porn scenes on female ejaculation, but I’m quite certain that when female ejaculation becomes more accepted as a mainstream behavior, that the populace will be able to tell a fake from a real, so any shenanigans that the adult stars are doing now to ejaculate will no longer fly.

Meanwhile, I’ve spend my career making female ejaculation not only accessible to the average women, but real. It usually takes about 20 minutes (give or take 10 or so) for a woman to ejaculate. For sure all the stars who do ejaculate in 30 seconds have stimulated themselves for a while before you get to see the “cum shot,” as it is called in porn. This is what is called editing, my dear.


Female Ejaculation: The WorkshopTo see how to really female ejaculate, check out Deborah Sundahl’s new DVD:

Female Ejaculation: The Workshop.

Sarah Palin and Gays – Your Comments

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

Two weeks ago, we wrote a piece about Sarah Palin, wondering if one could “pray away the gay.”

Here are snippets of some of our favorite comments you wrote:

“These days, I’m praying for gay to come my way…well at least a lesbian or two.”

“I’m a Republican however I’ve never been on a witch hunt for gender.”

“Being a BDSM oriented les, the only prayer I’d like to have answered would be of having Sarah Palin in my loving hands, so she can understand how beautiful a lesbian relationship can be, especially if spiced with leather and whips…”

The entire article and full comments are here: “Praying Away the Gay?”

What do you think? Add your comments here (just click “Comments”)!

Faked Orgasms? * Have You Come Out?

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

In last month’s poll, we asked: Have you or your partner ever faked an orgasm?

The real thing floats your boat again and again! But it seems faking it isn’t over yet.

You can see all the poll results here.

This month we ask: Have you come out?

Vote now! The poll is on Fatale’s home page.

And we’ll give you the results next month.

Until then, we wish you dazzling hot sex.

Nan and Christi

Praying Away the Gay?

Monday, September 15th, 2008

Pray Away the Gay…Heh Heh
Can you pray away the gay?

We’ve been asking some friends this question – not exactly a Gallop Poll-like sampling of individuals, but a mix nonetheless. Practicing Christians. Vietnam Vets. Southern-born ladies. Post Office workers. Just asking the people we’ve run into lately.

“Can you pray away psoriasis?” asked the Vet.

If you haven’t heard, the U.S. Vice Presidential nominee for the Republican Party this year is a woman named Sarah Palin. She worships at a church in Alaska and was taped giving a talk in which she referred to this “pray-away-the-gay” movement.

News to us. But, being gay, probably we wouldn’t have been their target audience. Intractable queers we are.

Still, when we think about it, there are at least two family members who we suspect have secretly prayed not to be gay. They both, if appearances bear out the truth, have succeeded at least in quashing their outward homo behavior.

But most of us know that praying not to be gay is laughable. It just doesn’t work!

Isn’t it possible that gays and lesbians were meant to add a little spice to an otherwise kind of boring evolutionary job?

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

Fatale Bestsellers for September

Monday, September 15th, 2008

One Night StandOne Night Stand – New from Fatale! Hot dyke action shot in Paris. Winner of the First Prize of the Lesbian Jury, 1st Porn Film Festival Berlin. See pictures and read more about One Night Stand.

The Crash Pad Series Volume 2The Crash Pad Series Volume 2 – New! The sexy rendevous continue at the crash pad…picking up where The Crash Pad and The Crash Pad Series Volume 1 leave off. See pictures and read more about The Crash Pad Series Volume 2.

Best Lesbian DVDs –

Monday, September 15th, 2008

Catherine Plato at has written a stellar article on the “Best Lesbian Porn by and for Lesbians.”

Among her recommendations for best lesbian porn by and for lesbians:

Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels DVDHard Love and How to F*ck in High Heels
– a Fatale bestseller

“This super sexy double DVD from S.I.R. videos features a multiracial cast of real queer girls, plenty of dildo action, real orgasms…”
–, “Best Lesbian Porn”


Sugar High Glitter CitySugar High Glitter City – horny sci-fi

“A delightful combo of hot filth and pseudo-sci-fi…”, “Best Lesbian Porn”

“This video has it all: hot sex, cool music, a retro seventies vibe wedded to a funky sc-fi premise, and even a coherent plot.” – On Our Backs


Coming Home DVDComing Home
– butch-femme romance

“The first of this series of vignettes features a big, curvy butch-femme couple: the deliciously hot women we never get to see in mainstream porn…”, “Best Lesbian Porn”


Anything by Shine Louise Houston
“One of the grande dames of lesbian porn…”, “Best Lesbian Porn”

The Crash Pad
We recommend starting with The Crash Pad.


Annie Sprinkle’s Herstory of PornAnnie Sprinkle’s Herstory of Porn
– don’t miss the mermaid scene!

“This retrospective features the best and worst moments in the 150+ films on the queer porn goddess’s resume.”, “Best Lesbian Porn”


See all Fatale’s DVDs.

Until next time, we wish you dazzling hot sex.

Nan and Christi

New Crash Pad DVD

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

Shine Louise Houston has done it again with The Crash Pad Series Volume 2: Unlocked, the latest installment of the lesbian Crash Pad Series. Five new scenes from the Crash Pad are pussy-licking good!

If you’re new to the Crash Pad, we suggest you start with the DVD by the same name, The Crash Pad. Here you’ll get the lay of the land, see what happens inside during these secret rendezvous at the “crash pad.” You too can have the keys to the crash pad.

Next comes the Crash Pad Series Volume 1, Shine’s next venture into the secret place where lesbians have real gushing orgasms. You pick up right where The Crash Pad left off. Two hours of wall-to-wall lesbian sex with familiar and new characters will keep you glued to your screen…

The Crash Pad Volume 2 coverNow with The Crash Pad Series Volume 2: Unlocked, Shine continues to push the limits. The gorgeous Jiz Lee returns along with Jake, Julie and Michelle Aston and other sexy butches, femmes, bois and transfolk.

Our favorite scene is the second one with the Asian beauty Vai and her lover, Dallas.

And the last sex scene with Michelle and Julie Aston is a power-play gasper.

Keep your vibrator—or your sweetheart—next to you when you watch the Crash Pad Series Volume 2.

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

P.S. You can pay securely at Fatale by credit card or with PayPal. And remember, you get free shipping when you order 3 or more DVDs. See all Fatale’s DVDs.